Adam Montgomery | Ed Mizrahi | Nico Castillo Pascual |
Adam Wegg | Edd Fahy | Nilushan Wijesinghe |
Ahmed ElBorhamy | Elia Savva | Olivia Seymour |
Aidan Penzo | Ella Zhang | Pat Kelly |
Alan Wills | Ellen Pereira | Pete Stott |
Alfie Binnie | Emmanuel Igimah | Pete Scott |
Ali Alatabbi | Eric Andersen | Peter Hansen-Chambers |
Alun Williams | Fedor Valiauka | Peter Pearson |
Anand Subramaniam | Francis O'Brien | Peter Harrod |
Andras Forizs | Gabriel de Arruda Rubin de Lima | Pratishruti Eswarary |
Andreea Vatamanu | Gavin Sutherland | Priscilla Cordova |
Andy Watson | George Coles | Rachael Edwards |
Andy Bass | Graeme Watson | Rameen Saiq |
Anna Yukhtenko | Hamish Frater | Rav Singh |
April Huang | Hannah Stubbs | Risa Ishikawa |
Arturo Bonetti | Ian Griffiths | Rob Gent |
Aston Subryan | Ian Webster | Robin Scannell |
Ayla Sensibar | Jack Calvert | Robin Sibbick |
Becky Hayler | James Levick | Ruby Sharma |
Ben Hallett | James Bruck | Rui Patricio De Sa |
Ben Briggs | Jaroslav "Jerry" Turna | Ryan Gulliford |
Ben Hollands | Jason To | Saleh Ahmed |
Ben Hodges | Jay McDonald | Sam Morgan |
Bianca Farrell | Jeroen te Strake | Sam Most |
Brad Grievson | Jess Sage | Santiago Navatta |
Caio Rodrigues | Jim Emmins | Scott Sanford |
Caleb Thompson | Jim Sweatman | Seb Kedra |
Charley Maloney | Jimi McGowan | Selina Wong |
Charlotte Claridge | Joe Crouch | Shaun Rutland |
Charmaine Clavier-St John | Johann Ahmad | Shelley Coates |
Chi Phuong | Jonny Alpine | Simon Han |
Chris Berkeley | Jordan Bateman | Stefan Voinea |
Chris Hohbein | Joshua George | Stella Sokolovska |
Chris Millon | Joshua Whitehead | Stephanie Kong |
Chris Ash | Josie Austen | Steve Jopling |
Chris Hunt | Kaneez Abbas | Steven Huckle |
Chris Harris | Katie Rossiter | Tabi Cashmore |
Corey Delprat | Keith Le Clezio | Taylor Fowler |
Craig Harwood | Lara Buric | Teresa Martinez |
Dan Webb | Leigh Christian | Thauri Dattadeen |
Daniel Colman | Line Olsen | Tim Mannveille |
Daniel Gardener | Lucia Gentile | Tom Figg |
Daniel Gallardo | Luiz Libório | Tom Fardon |
Daniel Walpole | Mark Thompson | Tom Gough |
Dave Thomson | Martha Valentine | Valentin Tranchand |
Dave Falconer | Martin Wong | Vi Nguyen |
David Avramenko | Matt Pelly | Vince Le Nguyen |
Devin Slauenwhite | Matt Knapman | Viv Nip |
Dinesh Sharma | Matt Bollman | Will Stocks |
Dmitri Masinski | Max Bryans | William Denton |
Dom Brittain | Meha Tufail | Xin Shuen Ng |
Don Crowell | Michelle Olsen | Yaro Svirsky |
Donna Law | Mischa Van Andel | Yuan Shen |
Doruk Erisen | Nathan Hallett | Laura Milford |
Audio | Art Production Partners | Game Design Partners | |
Lowrider Sound Ltd | Furious Bee Ltd & Ross Mansfield | Knights of Unity | |
Glass Egg Digital Media | Devoted Studios | ||
Matt Down |
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