One Special Day for SpecialEffect!
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Every year on One Special Day, the games industry stands together to raise vital funds to help gamers’ charity SpecialEffect level the playing field for gamers with disabilities. For the last two years we've got involved by running, walking and cycling to raise money, but this year we're doing something different! On October 7th we'll be challenging ourselves in a variety of ways including 12 hour crafting sessions, ping pong marathons and of course, a bit of running and cycling thrown in for good measure!
If you'd like to support us, you can donate here (and find out what our individual challenges are!):
SpecialEffect are an amazing games charity that uses specialist technology to enhance the quality of life of people of all ages who have severe physical challenges, whether as a result of a disability, traumatic injury or debilitating illness. You can find out more about them here: